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DSString.h Sample Header File

IMPORTANT: This is a minimal example to help get you started and to compare with the CATCH TDD tests. It is not an exhaustive string class.

#ifndef STRING
#define STRING

#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>

class DSString{

     *  You will need to add some private data members here.
     *  This is up to your discretion.  However, we **strongly** 
     *  encourage you to implement your string class as a wrapper
     *  for typical null-terminated c-strings.  In doing this, you
     *  may use c-sting functions in the methods in this class such 
     *  as:  
     *    * strlen(...)
     *    * strcpy(...)
     *    * strcmp(...)
     *    * strncpy(...)
     *    * strcat(...)
     *    * strncat(...)
     *    A quick google search will return plenty of references on
     *    the c-string functions. 


     * Constructors and destructor
     * Make sure you do proper memory management.
    DSString(const char*);
    DSString(const DSString&);

     * Standard relational operators.  You are free to expand this 
     * list if you'd like.  
     * Note that for each operator, there are two overloaded versions:
     *    one that takes a DSString object
     *    one that takes a null-terminated c-string
    DSString& operator= (const char*);
    DSString& operator= (const DSString&);
    DSString operator+ (const DSString&);
    bool operator== (const char*);
    bool operator== (const DSString&);
    bool operator> (const DSString&);
    char& operator[] (const int);

     * getLength() returns the number (count) of characters in the string. 
    int getLength();

     * The substring method returns a string object that contains a 
     * sequence of characters from this string object.
     * param start - the index of where to start
     * param numChars - the number (count) of characters to copy into
     *    the substring
    DSString substring(int start, int numChars);

     * the c_str function returns a null-terminated c-string holding the
     * contents of this object. 
    char* c_str();

     * Overloaded stream insertion operator to print the contents of this 
     * string to the output stream in the first argument. 
    friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream&, const DSString&);

    //You are free to add more functionality to the class.  For example, 
    //you may want to add a find(...) function that will search for a 
    //string within a string.  (just an example)  
    //Further - you will be able to update and modify this class as the
    //semester progresses.  

